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Meet the Mayor of Farnham

Mayor and Mayoress

Find out about the Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Brodie Mauluka and the charities he is supporting.

About the Mayor

in 2022, Councillor Mauluka was playing music at the farmers’ market. He joked with the then Mayor saying that ‘one day I will wear your badge’. The Mayor encouraged Councillor Mauluka to stand as a councillor and he was elected in 2023. A year later, he describes himself as humbled to be elected as Mayor of Farnham.

Councillor Mauluka grew up in Malawi, Africa and learned to play guitar at the age of ten. He joined a youth club where he had many good experiences and met some positive influences. This later inspired him to be a youth worker – a role which he held for over 20 years in Hampshire.

Later in life, Brodie and Caroline Mauluka ran The Plough in West Street.

President congratulates new Mayor

Read the message that the president of the Republic of Malawi sent to Councillor Brodie Mauluka on hearing he had been elected as the Mayor of Farnham:

“The First Lady and I would like to extend our warmest congratulations to you Councillor Brodie Mauluka on your historic election as the Mayor of Farnham in the United Kingdom. This achievement is a testament to your dedication, hard work and impeccable leadership skills. We are proud to see a son of Malawi excel and make a positive impact in his adopted community. Your election is inspirational not only to you but also to all Malawians at home, in the UK and beyond. We wish you all the best as you take up this new role and pray that you will continue to serve with distinction. God bless Malawi!”


14 MAY 2024

Mayor smiling with text underneath.

Mayor’s charities

Councillor Mauluka’s work with young people will continue during his year of office. In the words of a well-known African proverb, it takes a village to raise a child, and this is why the Mayor has chosen to support 40Degreez and the work they do for young people in Farnham.

He is also supporting a new charity called Charlie’s Promise which is dedicated to helping the fight against knife crime in Surrey. The charity was formed in 2023 after Charlie Cosser from Milford was stabbed at a party and died of his injuries. Charlie’s Promise aims to educate and support young people to make right choices and decisions in life, to keep themselves and others safe.

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Supporting Young People to Grow, Learn and Thrive

How to make a donation to the Mayor’s charities

Charity Appeal Account: Sort code 40-21-05 Account no. 51735365

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