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Other grants

High Sheriff Youth Awards

High Sherriff Youth Awards provide grants to children and young people for activities related to crime prevention, reducing anti-social behaviour and risk factors associated with these.

For more information and full criteria, visit the High Sherriff Awards website.

Isabella Schroder Trust

Who can apply

You can apply for the Isabella Schroder Trust if you live in Wrecclesham, your family is in need or if you are involved with an organisation that benefits the village.

What can be funded

Grants are considered for individuals who are in financial hardship. A grant can be used to buy basic items of furniture or carpets, or to pay for a child’s school trip. Local organisations are also eligible and can receive a grant to start up or to expand their activities. To be considered for a grant, individuals/families must already be receiving all available state benefits. Each request from an individual or family normally needs a reference eg from a doctor, a home-school link worker, a social worker, a solicitor, the CAB or a member of the clergy.

To apply If you are applying for an individual/family please complete the application form.

Other sources of funding

Grants and funding may also be available from:

Lions Club of Farnham

The Hedgehogs

Rotary Club of Farnham 

Rotary Club of Farnham Weyside

Farnham Institute Charity

The Dempster Trust

Farnham Round Table

Hale Carnival