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Services to Farnham Awards – Nomination Form

See more information about the Services to Farnham Awards.

    Nominee Details

    Your Details

    Do you agree to your name being passed on to the general public if the person you have nominated is successful?

    Do you wish to receive future Farnham Town Council information?

    Seconded By

    Does the seconder agree to their name being passed on to the general public if the person nominated is successful?

    Reasons for Nomination

    The awards are for people who have done exceptional work in the community, for community organisations or who have gone the extra mile in making things happen.

    The awards aim to recognise and encourage those who foster a positive community spirit within Farnham

    Please describe the contribution that this person has made to the community – which would normally have been over a number of years or be significant in its impact. Please limit this to one page.

    The Awards panel will consider a number of factors in deciding the awards.

    Please summarise in one sentence why you feel this person should win an award (this is the main information which may be given out to the nominee, public, and the press. All other information will be summarised and may remain confidential)

    Please note the number of awards each year is limited. A person previously nominated may be nominated again.

    If you prefer, you can download the form so you can print it off and complete by hand.