Blooming Lovely...
Farnham in Bloom takes place throughout the year and involves local people and community organisations
working together to make lasting improvements to the town and surrounding villages.
Farnham in Bloom
Farnham takes great pride in enhancing the streets and public spaces
with beautiful floral displays.
Whatever time of year you visit, you will notice an abundance of cheery
flowers in baskets, troughs and planters, which are mainly sponsored by
local businesses.
To encourage community participation, events and initiatives are
organised under the headings of Bloomin' Kids, Bloomin' Litter and
Bloomin' Arts.
The initiative has even led to the introduction of a community toilet
scheme. This involves a number of pubs and restaurants allowing
members of the public to use their facilities without feeling obliged to
make a purchase.
For more details and a list of
participating businesses visit
" Our Community Group
is really proud of Farnham
and we enjoy supporting the
Council team and our
"In Bloom" business sponsors
in a joint effort to make the
town look welcoming.
Farnham In Bloom brings
together diverse groups of all
ages and interests who really
make a difference to the
town's appearance.
We plant, paint, dance and
tidy our way around all year
and share the pride in
where we live"
Martin Billett