England's Craft Town
The roots of Farnham's engagement with crafts can be dated back to the time when the town exported
white clay to the Romans. In the 16th century, potteries in Farnham were major suppliers of pottery
to London. Fast forward to today and Craft still sits at the heart of Farnham's distinctiveness and this
special feature was acknowledged in 2013 when Farnham was designated as England's Craft Town.
The establishment of The Farnham School of Art in 1866 strongly
promoted education in craft subjects as part of its curriculum.
A powerful reputation was developed that has lasted throughout
the 20th century and to the present day especially in courses in
textiles and ceramics.
Craft courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels are
offered at the University for the Creative Arts at Farnham, the successor
institution to the Art School. Craft courses in jewellery, metalwork, glass
as well as in textiles and ceramics offer today's emerging craft makers
unrivalled opportunities in some of the best equipped studios and
workshops in any specialist university in the country.
The opportunity to exhibit, sell and present contemporary crafts in
Farnham is a significant feature of the town's creative programme.
The emergence of the Farnham Maltings as an arts centre in the 1970s
has been of especial importance to the cultural life of Farnham, and the
crafts have very strongly featured in its contemporary programme: right
at the heart of its diverse cultural offer.
There are year-round exhibitions featuring young as well as world class
craft makers. There is a particular focus on the October craft fair, with
an unrivalled series of events featuring everything from textiles to
sugarcraft, drawing international audiences to the town and having a
powerful and positive effect on the creative economy. Craft studios are
established in the Farnham Maltings to sustain the craft infrastructure.
Craft is embedded into the fabric, the homes as well as the cultural life
There are a remarkable number of major
of Farnham.
institutions who dedicate time, resources
Craft across the centuries can been seen and researched from Farnham
Greenware in the town's museum through to the unrivalled collections
and creative energies to sustaining craft as
of the Crafts Study Centre. The New Ashgate Gallery offers a diverse
one of the great defining features of Farnham.
range of craft work for sale and is especially focused on creating
Every year throughout October,
opportunities for emerging makers.
craft is celebrated in Farnham and these
organisations open their doors and offer
The Farnham Pottery is one of the best-preserved
special exhibitions, classes, events and open days.
examples of a Victorian country pottery in
For more information on Craft Month visit
England and is home to three craft organisations
12 www.farnham.gov.uk