This Bandstand Hire Policy has been designed to provide information to individuals and organisations wishing to hire the Bandstand in Gostrey Meadow for an event. Before Farnham Town Council can consider an application, individuals or organisations must contact the Parks & Landscapes Department at Waverley Borough Council on 01483 523394 to hire Gostrey Meadow. Individuals/organisations cannot hire the bandstand without Waverley Borough Council’s permission to hire the land. Once this permission has been approved by Waverley Borough Council and the appropriate documentation is completed, your application to hire the Bandstand can be considered by Farnham Town Council.
Items to Consider
• Risk Assessment
Organisers of events have a legal responsibility to ensure health, safety and welfare of any employees, volunteers and contractors involved in arranging the event and to the public and participants attending. This should be ensured by carrying out a risk assessment, in which all hazards associated with the event should be identified, the level of risk assessed and the appropriate action required to reduce these risks at an acceptable level. Organisers will be required to complete a risk assessment for Waverley Borough Council. Farnham Town Council will require a copy of this risk assessment. • Licensing Under the Licensing Act 2003, a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) or Premises License will be required for the provision of regulated entertainment. If you are planning to use the Bandstand or Gostrey Meadow for one or more of the following activities, a license will be required:
- a performance of a play
- an exhibition of a film
- an indoor sporting event
- a boxing match or wrestling entertainment
- a performance of live music
- any playing or recorded music
- a performance of dance
- entertainment of a similar description to that falling within (e), (f) or (g).
Please note that this list is not exhaustive and enquiries should be made with the licensing authority. Please contact the Licensing Department at Waverley Borough Council on 01483 523189 for further information.
• Insurance
All events will require Public Liability Insurance cover with a minimum £5,000,000 limit of indemnity.
Please forward a copy of your insurance certificate with your application.
• Electrical Installations
The Bandstand has 4 sockets, set up high in the Bandstand (you will need a step ladder to access them) which area available for the hirer to use if they wish. There are 2 x 6amp sockets and 2 x 16amp sockets.
Booking Process
Stage One – The Application
The hirer is required to read the items to consider and terms and conditions before completing, signing and returning the application form. Please send the application to: Farnham Town Council Town Council Office South Street Farnham Surrey GU9 7RN With the application form the following items are also required:
- Risk Assessment
- Copy of Insurance Certificate
- Deposit
- Administration Fee
- Proof of approval from Waverley Borough Council
Bandstand hire applications must be submitted to Farnham Town Council a minimum of 6 weeks before the proposed date of the event in order for the application to be considered fully and processed by Farnham Town Council.
Stage Two – Consideration of Application
Farnham Town Council will contact the hirer within 2 weeks of receipt of the hirer’s application, notifying whether the application has been successful or not. This will be subject to adhering to the Council’s Terms and Conditions, providing proof of insurance and submitting the correct fee and deposit.
Stage Three – Confirmation
Once the hirer has received a letter of confirmation from Farnham Town Council, the hirer may proceed and continue with planning the event. After confirmation has been received, a pre event inspection of the Bandstand must be organised with Farnham Town Council (within 3 days of the event).
Please call Farnham Town Council on 01252 712667 to arrange a time with the Outside Workforce Manager, Kevin Taitt.
A post event inspection must be organised with Kevin Taitt after the event before the deposit money can be released by Farnham Town Council. Any amendments to the application form must be submitted in writing for consideration and authorisation by Farnham Town Council. If the hirer is found to be undertaking any activity not agreed with the Council, this activity will have to cease immediately.
Terms and Conditions
1. Applications
1.1 All applications for the hire of the Bandstand are to be addressed to Farnham Town Council, Town Council Office, South Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7RN.
2. Assignment
2.1 The booking shall remain personal to the organisation hiring the Bandstand. The use of the Bandstand shall not be sublet, assigned or transferred to another organisation.
3. Hire Fee and Deposit
3.1 A deposit of £200 is required for each application made. Money will be deducted from the deposit for reinstatement of any damage caused to the Bandstand. This will be decided at the post event inspection made by Farnham Town Council. If damage has not occurred during the hire, Farnham Town Council will release the depository money within 2 weeks of the post event inspection date. 3.2 An administration fee will incur for hiring the Bandstand from 1st March 2010. The fee for all non-commercial organisations or charities is £25. All fees are subject to review by Farnham Town Council and may change without notice. For charges for commercial organisations to hire the Bandstand, please contact Farnham Town Council on 01252 712667. Payment of all fees and deposits must be made in full at time of submitting the application. If payment is not received, the Council have the right to cancel the booking immediately.
4. Refusal of Booking or Cancellation
4.1 The Council reserves the right to refuse any application for the hire of the Bandstand without being required to give any such reason for refusal. 4.2 The Council reserves the right to withdraw permission to use the Bandstand but shall not be under any liability for expense incurred or loss sustained by the hirer as a result of cancellation. 4.3 Cancellation by the hirer must be received in writing to the Council. The administration fee will be held by Farnham Town Council. The depositary money will be released back to the hirer. 4.4 If the hirer does not use the Bandstand on the applied date for whatever reason, the hirer shall forfeit the administration fee paid, in addition to any further expenses incurred by the Council.
5. Health & Safety
5.1 The hirer agrees to undertake a risk assessment for the event and is to ensure all employees, volunteers and contractors involved in organising the event and the public and participants attending the event comply with all relevant health and safety legislation. A copy of the hirers’ risk assessment must be submitted with the application.
6. Insurance and Indemnity
6.1 The hirer will insure the event with public liability insurance, with a minimum £5,000,000 limit of indemnity. A copy of the hirers’ insurance certificate must be submitted with the application. 6.2 Farnham Town Council is not responsible and will not accept any liability for loss, damage or injury whilst using the Bandstand. 6.3 Failure to produce proof of insurance cover when submitting the application form will lead to cancellation of the booking.
7. Use of the Bandstand
7.1 The hirer shall not use the Bandstand for any purpose whatsoever other than the activity identified on the application form. 7.2 No alterations or additions to the structure of the Bandstand are allowed. Any lighting, fittings or seating will not be allowed without prior written consent. 7.3 The hirer shall not drive any nails, screws, drawing pins etc into the structure of the Bandstand. 7.4 The hirer must not permit any excessive noise whilst using the Bandstand or within immediate vicinity of the Bandstand, which might cause annoyance to nearby residents.
8. Smoking
8.1 Smoking is not permitted at any time in the Bandstand.
9. Food and Drink
9.1 The consumption of food and drink is not permitted at any time in the Bandstand.
10. Litter & Cleanliness
10.1 It is the hirers’ responsibility to ensure that all rubbish is cleared before, during and after the event. Please ensure all rubbish is taken from the site and disposed of properly. Failure to do comply may result in depositary monies being deducted from the hirer.