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Mayor of Farnham makes his promises of office

Group of people outside a church.

Members of the Farnham community and beyond came together on Sunday (15 September) to witness the Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Brodie Mauluka and councillors reaffirm their intent to serve the town and its people. 

The Civic Service was held at St Andrew’s Church and was a celebration of civic pride, community and the spirit of service. 

The service was led by The Rector of Farnham, Reverend David Uffindell and included hymns, readings, music and an interview with the Mayor of Farnham. 

Having had a career as a youth worker, upon being elected in May, the Mayor undertook to continue his work for young people during his year of office. He says: “I often quote the words of a well-known African proverb and that is ‘that it takes a village to raise a child’. I strongly believe this and am grateful to everybody who came to the Civic Service and for their pledge to support and encourage me throughout my year of office.

“I would also like to thank everybody who gave up their time to make the event such as success and to give special thanks to organist Evelyn Tinker, churchwardens Martin Eberhardt and Caroline Walker, and St Andrew’s School for allowing us to use their playground. I would also like to thank Farnham, Fleet and Aldershot Sea Cadets for their help with serving refreshments – they did a wonderful job.”

A retiring collection raised £450 for the Mayor’s charities which are 40Degreez and Charlie’s Promise. 40Degreez is well known for the important work they do for young people in Farnham and Charlie’s Promise is dedicated to helping the fight against knife crime in Surrey. Anybody who wishes to make a donation to the Mayor’s charities can do so via the Mayor of Farnham’s charity appeal account. The sort code is 40-21-05 and the account number is 51735365.