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Town Councillor Vacancy in the Bourne ward

Sign introducing Lower Bourne

Farnham Town Council is inviting applications for the co-option of a new councillor for the Bourne ward following the death of Councillor Roger Blishen.  

To apply, candidates will need to complete and submit an application form by Wednesday 18 January. Applicants will be invited to attend the Council meeting on Thursday 26 January where they will be asked to speak for three minutes to explain why they wish to be co-opted. This will be followed by an opportunity for councillors to ask questions for 2-3 minutes. 

After the presentations, councillors will vote for their preferred candidate. The successful candidate will become a councillor with immediate effect and will represent Bourne ward until the local elections in May 2023. 

Councillor Alan Earwaker, Mayor of Farnham says: “This vacancy offers a good insight into what it is like to be a local councillor and would suit somebody who wants to give back to their community. You do not need any previous experience as an induction programme is provided.”   Candidates do not have to be affiliated to a political party to apply. See more details including the criteria within the application form. 

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