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Community grants

Community grants

Who can apply

Farnham’s community grants are available to any not-for-profit organisation. The grants are for one-off projects or schemes that require funding for up to three years.

Grant criteria

You will need to demonstrate how the project will promote the environment and/or community life for residents who live in Farnham and the town’s villages. See the Community grants policy and guidelines before you complete an application.

Grant limit

Grants of up to £2,000 can be applied for once a year.

What can be funded

We will consider applications for:

  • youth facilities
  • cultural and arts schemes
  • heritage projects
  • leisure, sport and play facilities
  • community buildings
  • village halls
  • community transport
  • projects that support older people and/or people with a disability, and
  • sustainable community environmental projects

When to apply

The next grant opens on Monday 30 September 2024.

The deadline for applications is Monday 2 December 2024.

How to apply

To apply you will need to complete this online form.

If you need this form in a different format please email us.

How applications are assessed

Members of the Strategy and Resource Working Group consider all applications in early January. Their recommendations go before Full Council in late January when the final decisions are made.

When are grant payments paid

Payments are made in May.

Previous recipients of grants

Grants were awarded in 2023/2024 to:

1st Rowledge Guides

Badshot Lea Tennis Club

Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership

Boom Credit Union

Disability Challengers

Farnham Art & Design Education Group

Farnham Assist

Farnham Carnival

Farnham Community Farm

Farnham Repair Café

Farnham Sports Council

Farnham Support Fund

Farnham Youth Choir

Frensham Pond Sailability

Friends of Rowledge School

Hale Carnival Committee

Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre

Hive Helpers CIC


I Chose Freedom

Kind to mind

New Ashgate Gallery

Rotary Club of Farnham Weyside

Rowledge Tennis Club

Sight for Surrey


University for the Creative Arts

Weydon School

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