Home > Banner over highway application
Name of Organisation
Name of Applicant
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Address Town/City*
Address Postcode*
Phone Number*
Mobile Number*
Email Address*
Downing StreetThe Borough
Double SidedSingle Sided
Sunday to be installed*
Sunday to be removed*
Total number of weeks
Application Fee (inc. Installation) per banner £190.00
Rent per week per banner £40.00
Total price* (£)
BACS: Sort Code: 40-21-05 Account: 31141023 Ref: i.e. "BANNER ANYTOWN HOSPICE"
Cheques payable to FARNHAM TOWN COUNCIL
Farnham Town Council reserves the right to cancel and refund payment up to two weeks prior to the booking slot
Dimensions: Banners are restricted to 16’ x 3’ or 15’ x 3’ only
Eyelets: Eyelets are required on the top and bottom hems. They must be at least 1” from the edge of the banner, to the centre of the eyelet. We advise that these should be no less than 3’ apart. Eyelets are not required on the side hems.
Wind slits: Wind slits or mesh are mandatory.
Note: It is not necessary to place rope in the hems of your banner
Type of Organisation (Refer to regulations for permitted organisations)
Charity number (If applicable - See banner regulations)
i. please use this space to describe how the purpose of the banner is to raise awareness of, or promote, activity that relates to the charitable activities as detailed in the information held by the Charity Commission for your organisation; or,
ii. the activity being promoted is of benefit to the local community
Arrangements for delivery for installation and collection post-removal of your banner should be made directly with Carolyn Hollier of Light Angels Ltd.
Contact Light Angels Tel: 01252 511 511 Mob: 07736 251 298 Email: carolyn@light-angels.co.uk Address: Light Angels Ltd., Unit 2, LDL Business Centre, Station Road West, Ash Vale, Hampshire, GU12 5RT
Contact Light Angels
Tel: 01252 511 511
Mob: 07736 251 298
Email: carolyn@light-angels.co.uk
Address: Light Angels Ltd., Unit 2, LDL Business Centre, Station Road West, Ash Vale, Hampshire, GU12 5RT
Collect your banner from Light AngelsLight Angels to dispose of banner
** Please note all banners not collected within two months will be disposed of without further notice **
Please upload sketch of banner including dimensions and wording. Submitting a form without a sketch will create delays.
I confirm that I understand the terms of agreement as above