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Local democracy in action

People sitting around a boardroom style table.

Voters in Farnham who have an opinion on the services provided by Farnham Town Council are invited to come along and speak up at the Annual Town Meeting of Electors on 24 March at 6pm.

The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Brodie Mauluka will chair the meeting and says: “Some voters might be surprised by how much the Town Council’s services touch on their lives. We want to hear the community’s opinions on everything from the provision of services for younger people and the variety of community events through to the value of Farnham in Bloom and what else we can be doing to make Farnham an even better place to live. We are hoping for a lively discussion and look forward to this opportunity to hear from residents.”

Lead councillors will give presentations which will include a review of the past year and a look ahead to what’s planned for the next 12 months.  

All Farnham electors are welcome to attend the meeting and are free to ask questions and make comments about issues relating to Farnham. If the matter is not a Town Council responsibility, town councillors present will do their best to answer the question or follow up with the relevant organisation.

To reserve your seat and to assist with meeting arrangements, please call 01252 712667 or email to confirm that you would like to attend.