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Litter pick volunteers needed ahead of Remembrance Day Parade

Help is needed to give the town centre a final tidy up ahead of this year’s Remembrance Day Parade. The litter pick will take place from 10am to 12pm on Saturday 12 November and volunteers are being asked to register online

“We would like the town to look smart for the parade on Remembrance Sunday so please volunteer a few hours to join in our Bloomin’ Litter Pick on Saturday. Meet at the Town Council offices on South Street at 10am on Saturday 12th. We will provide all the equipment, but it helps us enormously if people register in advance. You can find the form via the events calendar of our website,” says Councillor Sally Dickson, the Lead Member for Community Enhancement at Farnham Town Council. 

The Town Council organises litter picks at key points of the year to keep the town looking its best. Volunteers are equipped with litter pickers, black sacks, gloves and high visibility jackets. At the end of the session, the Council arranges for the disposal of the rubbish. 

“Litter picking is a really easy and sociable way to have an instant positive impact on our community. Join in as a family (children are welcome so long as they are supervised), group of friends or colleagues, or just come by yourself and we will put you in a team,” adds Councillor Dickson.  

Litter is not only bad for the visual appearance of the town centre, it causes problems for wildlife too. Small mammals and birds can become trapped in containers, entangled in packaging and even eat materials that they cannot digest. Litter also often ends up in the river where it harms fish and other water life. Keeping the town centre litter-free protects local wildlife and supports biodiversity. 

Litter picks usually collect large numbers of items that are recyclable, such as plastic bottles, cans and paper. The Town Council urges residents and visitors to always dispose of litter properly either in litter bins or by taking it home. 

Farnham Town Council supports residents and businesses to organise their own litter picks if they wish. Simply contact the Council direct for more information. 

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