A cheque for £700 has been presented by the Mayor of Farnham, Councillor John Ward to Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care.
The community grant will fund the purchase of some special crockery for use on a food trolley on the in-patient unit.
Councillor John Ward said: “Phyllis Tuckwell has been providing support and end-of-life care to people in West Surrey and part of North East Hampshire for over 35 years. We are proud to have such an amazing service in our town and I am delighted that we are able to support the hospice with a grant. The new crockery will enable hospice staff to tailor the food served to the individual needs of patients.”
Each year, Farnham Town Council awards over £50,000 to local, not-for-profit organisations. The grants are intended for one-off projects or schemes that require funding for up to three years. Applications can be made between October and December for the following financial year. Further information and the grant criteria can be viewed on our Grants pages.