Around 75 residents attended Farnham’s Annual Town Meeting on Thursday to hear more about what the Town Council has been doing for Farnham and surrounding villages over the past year.
The Mayor of Farnham, Cllr Jeremy Ricketts welcomed guests and gave an insight into some of the highlights of his Mayoral year. This was followed by presentations from the town councillors who represent the working groups for cemeteries, community enhancement, tourism and events, planning and licensing and strategy.
The lead councillors for each group informed electors about key projects that have enhanced the town. This included cemetery footpath improvements, the cemetery chapel refurbishment project, the achievement of two gold awards in South and South East in Bloom and a successful programme of events that were enjoyed by thousands of people.
The presentations were followed by the opportunity for electors to raise issues and to ask questions about any matter affecting the town.
Praise was received for the Christmas lights, the new website, Farnham in Bloom and for the work that is going into preparing the neighbourhood plan.
Issues and concerns included litter, traffic management, air quality, new development, planning and the redevelopment of East Street. Local resident Michael Blower took the opportunity to introduce an alternative plan for East Street which will be discussed in more detail at the Farnham Society’s residents’ associations’ meeting on 14 April.
Speaking at the end of the meeting Cllr John Ward, Leader for Farnham Town Council thanked electors for their support and promised that councillors would continue to do their best for Farnham.